Intro to the Archival Directory
The Archival Directory is a large database of archival descriptions and collections. It has a strong transnational focus and one of its aims is to include many archives and institutions which are little known or rarely used by researchers.

The Archival Directory allows historians to view sources in a rarely seen transnational and comparative view. It is focused on archives and libraries containing resources on the Medieval era and World War One. Users can also create and edit archival descriptions as they use the Archival Directory in the course of their research. The CENDARI Archival directory is implemented through AtoM, which stands for Access to Memory. It is a web-based, open source application for standards-based archival description and access in a multilingual, multi-repository environment. This software was chosen because it adheres to international standards and as a user friendly tool to produce archival descriptions.
When browsing by archival institutions users can adjust results by language, archive type, geographic region, geographic subregion, locality and thematic area.
Learn more about the archival sources in CENDARI
Follow this link for more documentation in the CENDARI portal, or watch this video for a step-by-step introduction to using the Archival Directory.
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