Transnational Access Fellows
The CENDARI Visiting Research Fellowships were intended to support and stimulate historical research in the two pilot areas of medieval culture and the First World War, by facilitating access to key archives, specialist knowledge and collections in CENDARI host institutions.

In particular, the CENDARI project is committed to hosting early career scholars who aim to apply digital humanities methods to their historical enquiry. The fellowships are particularly designed to support researchers from countries without equivalent facilities and early career scholars with limited access to these research infrastructures.
The Fellowships are hosted by the following institutions on a competitive basis:
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
King’s College London, UK
National Library of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic
University of Göttingen, Germany
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities, Germany
Nigar Babayeva, Marmara University, Turkey (2015 Fellow)
Project: Muslim Intellectuals of Russia in the Political Life of the Ottoman Empire during the first decades of 20th century
Mauricio Nicolas Vergara, University of Padua, Padova, Italy (2015 Fellow)
Project: Spatial Analysis and GIS-Modelling for the Tyrol Front of War
María Gimena del Rio Riande, LINHD-UNED (Madrid)/SECRIT-CONICET (Argentina) (2015 Fellow)
Project: A digital approach to the verse patterns of the debate and dialogue poems in the Cancionero de Baena
Marija Šegan, Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences & Arts, Serbia
Project: Creating a Registry of the Archival Records on the Medical Mission in Serbia 1914 – 1918
Irina Savinetskaya, Medieval Studies Department, Central European University, Hungary
Project: Data Mining for Keyword Occurrences in Late Medieval Texts: Tracing References to French and Germans in German sources.
Anu Mänd, Institute of History, Tallinn University, Estonia
Project: Lay Women and the Culture of Commemoration in Northern Germany and Livonia (c. 1400 – c. 1530)
John McEwan, Aberystwyth University, Dept of History & Welsh History, UK
Project: Between Text and Image: Search Systems for Medieval Seals (tbc 2015)
Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Burcin Cakir, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland (2015 Fellow)
Project: Digitizing Dardanelles: British Narrativization of Gallipoli Campaign.
Simon Hengchen, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (2015 Fellow)
Project: Named-Entity Recognition and Topic Modelling on WW1 Newspapers in Dutch, French and English.
Dorin Stanescu, Berceni Secondary School, Romania (2015 Fellow)
Project: Ulysses in the Great War: Traveling by train at the end of the war; a view from literature and movies.
Rosella Tinaburri, Dipartimento di Scienze umane, sociali e della salute, University of Cassino, Italy
Project: Miscellaneous Manuscripts in the Medieval Germanic World
Benjamin Štular, Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Slovenia
Project: Integrating First World War Digital Archives with Lidar Data: Methodology and Case Study
Mia Ridge, Department of History, The Open University, UK
Project: Bridging collections with a participatory Commons: a pilot with World War One archives
James McConnel, Dept. Humanities, Northumbria University, UK
Project: The Irish First World War Songbook
Adela Fofiu, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
Project: War, Memory and Politics: The Model of Intercultural Relations in First World War Periodicals in Transylvania
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Martina Salvante, German Historical Institute Rome, Italy (2015 Fellow)
Project: Visual and textual representations of war disablement throughout the belligerent countries: An attempt to create a transnational dataset
Elli Lemonidou, University of Patras, Greece (2015 Fellow)
Project: Creating an online information portal for the history of the First World War in Greece
Albina Moscicka, Military University of Technology, Poland (2015 Fellow)
Project: The concept of GIS-based access to digital archives
Bogdan Trifunović, Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw, Poland
Project: Encoding War Poetry: building a database of TEI encoded Bulgarian and Serbian poetic texts from the First World War
King’s College London, United Kingdom
Roman Bleier, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (2015 Fellow)
Project: Text, image and responsive design: opportunities and challenges of multi-device digital scholarly editions of medieval manuscripts
Nevila Molla, University of Siena, Italy (2015 Fellow)
Project: Creating a Gazetteer of Medieval Epirus
Ota Pavlíček, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic (2015 Fellow)
Project: Universalia realia sunt haeresis seminaria: A database mapping the dispute over universals in the Central European Region, 1348-1500
Kate Macdonald, Department of Literary Studies, Ghent University, Belgium
Project: The depiction of disability in war veterans and civilians in popular print culture during the First World War
Alessandro Salvador, Department of Humanities, University of Trento, Italy
Project: WW I Austro-Italian soldiers: a public guide to archive and sources
Roni Shweka, Friedberg Genizah Project, Israel
Project: Preliminary Survey of European Manuscripts in the Cairo Genizah
Tim Buchen, Europa Universität Viadrina Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Polenstudien, Germany
Project: B/ORDERS in Motion: The Reordering of East Central Europe in the Aftermath of Empires, 1917-1923
National Library of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Clara Isabel Martínez Cantón, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain (2015 Fellow)
Project: European Medieval Treatises on Poetry and Versification
Martina Kramarić, Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics, Croatia
Project: Creating parallel mediaeval corpora: a database of a TEI-encoded version of the Old Croatian text Zrcalo and its Old Czech templates
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